Tax Bills

Tax Bills have been mailed at the end of October 2022 by Assessments of the Southwest QVUD Tax Assessor/Collector, Friendswood, Tx, on behalf of Quail Valley Utility District.

Payments should be made payable to Quail Valley Utility District and mailed to Assessments of the Southwest at PO Box 1368; Friendswood, TX 77549-1368.

Be Aware of Scam Artists Posting as Utility Employees

We recently heard from customers who report men and women posing as water utility employees have asked to allow them into in the house to collect “COVID-19” samples or have said they need to check on something in the house.

QUAIL VALLEY UTILITY DISTICT service personnel DO NOT request to check on anything inside the house. Such action is considered, ONLY IF the customer requests our assistance.

QUAIL VALLEY UTILITY DISTRICT service calls are arranged and scheduled in advance. There may be times when service personnel are notifying customers for utility work in the area or responding to calls from passers-by or neighbors, but then the utility employee would arrive in a District marked vehicle, and present identification.
You can call the District’s office at 281-499-5539 to verify employee’s identification. However, call the Police Dept. (911) if in doubt.

Important Notice Regarding Walk-In Service

If you need to apply for service, an application can be downloaded online, filled out and returned by e-mail to:; or dropped in our drop box at the office.

If you need to pick up an application, contact the office at 281-499-5539, prior to picking it up, and we can arrange to get an application to you.

See information below concerning different methods of making payments.

Payments can be made by:

  1. By dropping your payment in the drop box on the front porch of our office building.
  2. By paying over the phone.
  3. By mailing your payment to the address on your bill.
  4. By using bill pay with your bank.
  5. By paying on line. Log into In order to pay online, you can pay by using your checking account or a credit card. You can access the online system and set up a User ID and Password or pay online as a guest.  Please note: you will be accessed a 3.5% fee when using a credit/debit card and $1.00 fee when using your checking account.
  6. You can pay at a store that does western union payments. Make sure you have a copy of your bill.

*If you have any questions contact the office at: 281-499-5539.*

Quail Valley Utility District

Quail Valley Utility District is your neighborhood water service provider. Quail Valley Utility District operates nine Utility Districts along with the city of Missouri City service areas. We provide water and sewer operations to more than 40,000 people with over 14,000 connections within the city of Missouri City.

To contact us in an emergency, please call our 24 hour emergency hotline at (281) 499-5539.

Through Quail Valley Utility District’s website you can easily find links to the following services: